Istanbul Apparel Exporters Association (İHKİB) is one of the most important industrial organizations of Turkish Apparel Industry, which is among the major manufacturing industries in Turkey, with its more than 9.000 member exporters and a rate of 75% in Turkey’s total apparel export.
Istanbul has an important share in apparel trade and İHKİB has a vital role in this industry. İHKİB, founded in 1986, is one of the four exporters associations under the General Secretariat of Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters Associations (İTKİB). İHKİB has more than 9.000 member companies mostly located around Istanbul. The Association represents apparel industry extensively since the member companies of the Association realize 75% of Turkey’s total apparel exports which is around 17 billion $ annually.
İHKİB’s main goal is to enhance the export capability of Turkey in apparel and promote the industry around the world. Besides, İHKİB supports its members in all kinds of trade related activities. In addition to these, İHKİB aims to promote common interests of the industry in both national and international platforms as well as in governmental levels.