Your Sustainability Journey

It starts here

We have split up the Toolkit into 4, easy to digest sections taking you through each part of your road to a more sustainable and ethical future for your business. Click the covers below to download each section and make your way through getting started, sourcing sustainable, circularity and your sustainable shoppers and finally, success stories and seminars. Each chapter will guide you through key issues you will be facing and give you tangible advice on how to tackle them.


Getting Started

This section will take you through what the toolkit is and how to use it. It also takes you through setting realistic goals for your own business and undestanding your impact.


Sourcing Sustainable

Sourcing sustainably can seem tricky but this chapter takes you through ways you can improve the carbon footprint of your business.


Circularity and Your Sustainable Shoppers

You know your customers better than anyone, this chapter will help you communicate with them about sustainability and how to test out circular business models.


Sustainability Stories and Seminars

In this chapter we have included a series of seminars from our expert Olivia Pinnock, and 2 case studies from sustainability success stories, to show you where your journey could take your own business.

Partners and Sponsors